When it comes to weaning you can read lots of information about different ways to approach the weaning journey.
I want to make it clear that there’s absolutely no “right” or wrong way to wean your baby, so this is just the approach and method that I like to follow.

Some people start with purees alone, others prefer to offer pieces of foods and follow a Baby Led Weaning approach, others offer a mix of two. Additionally, some babies will start with baby rice, some with fruits and some (like me) with the single veggie first tastes. Ultimately, it’s about finding a method that works for you and your baby.
SR Nutrition is a consultancy directed by Registered Nutritionist Charlotte Stirling-Reed. Charlotte has a wealth of experience working as a nutritionist in many sectors including the NHS, Commercial Companies, Local Authorities and Charities.
Charlotte can be found at www.srnutrition.co.uk where you can read her feeding blog or contact her for feeding support and also on Instagram @sr_nutrition